When to Upgrade to a Cloud-Based VoIP Business Phone System 

office workers using a cloud-based VoIP business phone system

The age-old question that haunts everyone: when to upgrade? That upgrade could be a car, cell phone, computer, or trusty wallet, but more specifically, “When do you upgrade your business phone system?” It’s a great question to ask; frankly, if you’re asking that question, the answer is probably now. A cloud-based VoIP business phone system…

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Future-Proof Your Communications with Beardon

[8:59 AM] Lori Bowman man at desk using voip communication service

You’ve probably heard the saying: “In life, the only constant is change.”  Well, the same can be said for business. You can’t predict the future, but your company must be able to adapt to it.  Especially when it comes to communication. Because when you have a future-proof system in place, you’ll be ready to handle…

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